Feb 24, 2015
Will Landmark Court Decision Speed Diablo's Demise?
New revelations about earthquake dangers have shaken the future of California's Diablo Canyon nukes.
In a rare move, Washington DC's Federal U.S. Court of Appeals will hear a landmark challenge to their continued operation.
Feb 14, 2015
Ohio's Crumbling Hunk of Radioactive Junk
As the world's nuke reactors begin to crumble and fall, the danger of a major disaster is escalating at the decrepit Davis-Besse plant near Toledo, Ohio.
Now the plant's owners are asking the Ohio Public Utilities Commission to force the public to pay billions of dollars over the next 15 years to subsidize reactor operations.
Feb 5, 2015
The Don't Frack/Nuke Our Earth Alliance is Born!
Our Earth is being destroyed by fracking and nukes.
These two vampire technologies suck the energy out of our planet while permanently poisoning our air, water, food and livelihoods.
The human movements fighting them have been largely separate over the years.
No more.
Jan 20, 2015
Ohio's Anti-Green Suicide
Swing state Ohio is plunging ever deeper into the fossil/nuke abyss.
Its Public Utilities Commission may soon gouge the public for $3 billion(BILLION!) to subsidize two filthy 50-year-old coal burners and America's most dangerous nuke.
Approval would seal Ohio's death notice.
None of those coal/nuke burners can compete with the rising revolution in renewable energy. Throughout the world, similar outmoded facilities are shutting down.
Jan 13, 2015
CHARLIE HEBDO & Nuclear Terror
The powerful global response to the terror attack on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo must now face a terrifying reality: It's a horrible thing when an organ of free speech is assaulted and journalists die.
It will be an apocalyptic thing when it happens to an atomic reactor and whole continents are irradiated, with children first to suffer, a death toll in the millions and eco-economic impacts beyond calculation.
Dec 29, 2014
Activists Have Permanently Shut Vermont Yankee Nuke Today
Nov 26, 2014
Ask Not What Your Planet Can Do for You....
The images we ingest never cease to shape us.
Just 51 years ago, the head of a profoundly gifted young man was blown apart.
A few months earlier he'd given a speech that promised a new dawn.
He reached out to our enemies. He talked of going to the moon, of technological breakthrough and human promise. And he stopped the radioactive madness of atmospheric Bomb testing, a reason many of us are alive today.
It's easy to idealize John Kennedy.
We still debate what he might have done in Vietnam.
Oct 20, 2014
When Solartopia Transcends King CONG
This new post on EcoWatch features the new Solartopia/King CONG poster:Sep 29, 2014
How We Win on Climate Change
Okay, so we had this historic march a little while ago.
It was....
...joyous, beautiful, exhilarating, inspiring, life-confirming...and in many ways turning point.
Now that the dust has settled a bit, we can see that it will change things for a long time to come.
It proved to ourselves and the world that we have a huge, diverse, broad-based movement. And that we can put aside our differences and all get along when we have to.
Sep 20, 2014
Climate Riders Roll
Two vans and a big bus pulled up to the First Watch for breakfast this morning in Columbus, Ohio.
They were filled with truly great people, the new Climate Riders, on their way to New York City.
Twenty-four hours on the road each way for a few hours to march against the corporations that are killing our planet.